Monday, November 10, 2014

Feeding Frenzy

This fall I was able to make it up to Strawberry Reservoir a few times. Although the fishing varied each time I went, I was still able to catch fish! One week I caught 11 fish in two hours of fishing! The fish were healthy rainbows between 15-19 inches. The second trip I only caught 3 but one was a large cutthroat around 20 inches. Both of  those trips I used a Lucky Craft Pointer(Rainbow and also ghost colors).
I saw some bright red kokanee salmon swimming near the shore line but they were not interested in any of my lures.
 This last week when I went to Strawberry, my friend Shane and I were not having much luck other than a few bites. I moved further into a cove and could see several schools of fish swimming near the surface. Some fish were even flying about four feet out of the water at times! They were either hunting for food or were being hunted by larger fish! Shane and I used Joe's Flies and Lures with a few sinkers. We caught fish after fish. In about forty minutes, we caught over fifty fish! The fish were small, between 5-12 inches, but it was still a lot of fun!

If fishing success is slow, don't be afraid to move around the shore line or to a different part of the lake. Right now the fish are moving all over the place as they try to build up a fat supply for the winter!