Friday, May 9, 2014

Reel Lessons: Research Fish Species

 This past month I targeted brown trout, small mouth bass, large mouth bass, walleye, and stripers. The sad part is, I didn't catch a single fish listed above. After fishing at Deer Creek, the middle Provo River, Rockport Reservoir, Lake Powell, and East Canyon Reservoir, I only ended up with a handful of Rainbow trout. 
 Prior to going to Lake Powell, fishing reports seemed to be really good. My experience however, seemed to be quite the opposite.

I tried all sorts of different kind of tackle and baits to try and catch different fish species. Unfortunately, I never got a single bite. 
 I learned a lot from my uncle as far as different techniques to use for the fish at Lake Powell. But after speaking with several other fisherman, I soon learned, hardly anyone was having success that weekend. This trip left me with several questions and helped identify areas I need to research.
My different trips helped confirm to me, it is important to research the types of fish you want to catch. Having knowledge about the fish, the food they eat, their habitats, and behaviors can greatly increase your chances of catching that particular kind of fish.
 One of my trips was to East Canyon Reservoir. I had not fished this lake for several years so I decided to give it a try. The weather was not ideal, in fact, it rained the majority of the time.
 My buddy Jason and I caught rainbow trout by using worms, Lucky Craft Pointers, and Joe's Flies and Lures (spinner with a fly). It is always surprising to me how some fish are willing to go after bait almost half their size! 
Always prepare for the worst kind of weather. The weather can change in an instant in Utah. We got completely soaked by rain, followed by snow, and wind at East Canyon Reservoir. We did not adequately prepare for the rain or cold. Don't make the same mistake we made!