Thursday, March 6, 2014

Having Fun on the Ice

Where did the month of February go? It's weird to think it is already March, which means not much ice fishing left in Utah. Many of the lakes have unsafe ice at this time. Lakes like Strawberry Reservoir will likely still have ice for a month or so, so there is still time to get out there! 
During the month of February I was able to get out and go fishing with a variety of people! Mike bought a new tent so a bunch of us went to Strawberry to test it out!
 A few of the guys were fairly new to ice fishing but seemed to still have fun! During the month of February, fishing success was up and down. One week it was hot fishing, the next it was super slow. Sometimes you have to try different baits or depths to find the fish! Most fish we caught were in about 10-25 feet of water. We had most the success with small tube jigs tipped with a piece of worm.
Many of the fish we caught were good sized fish. This fish in the photo above measured a little over 22 inches and had a nice girth to it. 
To my surprise, this winter we have caught several healthy rainbows! 
When the fishing is slow, it is up to you to keep it fun! We had fun playing cards on a small table, and even cooked pancakes. What I love about ice fishing is you can make it as fun or comfortable as you want it to be! It's just up to you!
One of the days I went fishing, some people were kite skiing across the lake!

Always take your camera when you go ice fishing! You can often times take incredible photos in the winter!